Thursday, February 24, 2011
FinalLY V.I.P TimE!!!
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I'm kinda excited tonite...Of course, my favourite group finally release their 4th mini-album...althought just's enouf to satisfied me..all fans will agree with me...we have wait quite a long time for them to release an album as whole group...i really kinda crazy rite's will be big bang fever starting expected...their album never upset me...their songs suit me well....go BIGBANG....daeebakkk!!!!!....and are really awesome and really genius...
Monday, February 21, 2011
KoRean Delight
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Due to hunger last nite, i have viewed more than 5 korean dishes recipes on Youtube...Suddenly memories eating korean food while live at KL before came up on my im craving for my favourite korean dishes, tteokbokki...i dont know the right spelling in romanization...but the korean is 떡볶이....well everybody will know this food after watching korean dramas...and that's how i meet tteokbokki....i watched "Partner" drama starring by handsome Lee Dong that drama Dong Wook's role love to eat tteokbokki....and i keep wondering how is it taste...and not long time after that a korean food stall have been opened at Mid Valley Megamall...many thoughts on my mind...wondering will my taste suit with it taste or it turn the opposite way???...hurmmm...suspen...haha...i went there with my friends and after have a really delicious...a bit chewy and spicy enough....well this dishes sometimes spicy and sometimes not...depend with the "chef"...haha...for's better to be spicy and eat while it still hot....and because of that, i become a regular customer at every halal korean stall in KL....i also have tried bibimbap before...who is a rice lover can try this....there's also other korean dishes i have tried....but for me tteokbokki is the craving for now....cant wait to be at KL again...eating tteokbokki with kimchi...ummmm...yum..yum...
tteokbokki info :

Due to hunger last nite, i have viewed more than 5 korean dishes recipes on Youtube...Suddenly memories eating korean food while live at KL before came up on my im craving for my favourite korean dishes, tteokbokki...i dont know the right spelling in romanization...but the korean is 떡볶이....well everybody will know this food after watching korean dramas...and that's how i meet tteokbokki....i watched "Partner" drama starring by handsome Lee Dong that drama Dong Wook's role love to eat tteokbokki....and i keep wondering how is it taste...and not long time after that a korean food stall have been opened at Mid Valley Megamall...many thoughts on my mind...wondering will my taste suit with it taste or it turn the opposite way???...hurmmm...suspen...haha...i went there with my friends and after have a really delicious...a bit chewy and spicy enough....well this dishes sometimes spicy and sometimes not...depend with the "chef"...haha...for's better to be spicy and eat while it still hot....and because of that, i become a regular customer at every halal korean stall in KL....i also have tried bibimbap before...who is a rice lover can try this....there's also other korean dishes i have tried....but for me tteokbokki is the craving for now....cant wait to be at KL again...eating tteokbokki with kimchi...ummmm...yum..yum...
tteokbokki info :
Saturday, February 19, 2011
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Well...arini tulis melayu je la...malas nak pkir....and bukan terer ngat nak tulis dalam english dak...haha...ok saye tgok my "muke buku" a.k.a facebook..yang da mcm idop segan mati x mau tu...haha...why i said like that?? la...bile dilihat kembali...friends ramai....sampai ratus2 y betul2 mengaktipkan diri untuk contact ni berape kerat la sangat....most yang add ni rakan sekelas...2 kelas...3 kelas...satu U...satu sekolah dulu...kadang2 tu...y x pernah kenal pon malas nak approve ni...ok back to story...lepas view fb tgok status kawan2 lame...mcm2 status la ade...ade y positif and negatif...ade yang mengepost link3 i pon view...ade y best....and ade y cam bajet bagus....oppppssss...well ape y i nak citer disini ialah....begitu susah kite nak carik kawan y betul2 sentiasa contact ngan kita ni...urm...mungkin busy...mungkin juga malu....mungkin juga malas layan...and juga ade y melupakan ( i know who person is this).....honestly i miss my campus life...gaduh2...ngumpat berjemaah...hang out....tgok citer jemaah...makan jemaah....jeles jugak tgok kawan2 y post status2 pasal hidup di alam belajar lagi ni...waaa...saye nak sambung belajar.....
Friday, February 4, 2011

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This May i will have my first trip in my life...ticket already booked..well..thinking that it still have about 3 months before the trip day,i still feel relax at home..i dont want to think bout it too much because it will makes me feel time is moving too slow(means im over excited)...but yesterday my partner for the trip call me...asking about our stay just 2 of us going there...we go there by ourselves not with the tour group...of course we have to plan seriously...dont want to waste our times and money my task is to survey a cheap place to stay..after many times survey on the internet finally i found a two places that quite good to stay....the problem now is i dont know which one that i need to choose between both of the place..ah ha....i watched some of video by people that already have been there...and video for other places im getting more confius ( seems want to be at all guesthouse that i watched..) i think it's better to get opinion from my partner too...more easier to make a on i always keep thinking about my trip...feel like it's a long time till May....maybe because i do nothing at home...that's why feel like that...ah ha...
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