Monday, March 21, 2011
Argh SaYe BenGAng
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ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....saYA bengang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....
saya bengang sebab :
~ ade orang tu bile die bosan or sedih baru nak contact saye.kalau saye x mesej memang die x mesej punya la..ok mungkin busy.
~ malam ni headphone saya buat hal.nak suh tukar baru la tu.igt kaya ke nak main tukar2..huhu
~ saya x dapat pergi konsert suju ( yang nak pergi sangat2 tu).pastu kat facebook banyak plak fanpage y upload gambar..owhhhhhhhhhhhh saya sangat jeles dan sedey..nak nangis....waaaaaaaaaaaaa..
~ ade orang tu saya mesej die x balas2...suke betul x balas mesej saya..ok ni pon busy jugak la zaman sekarang ni sume orang pon sibuk.
~ hati saya asyik kate nak g KOREA saya rase saye x de peluang nak pergi sana (x mau berharap lagi) ...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
saya harap sume bengang2 saya ni akan pergi maen jauh2 esok lepas saya bangun dari tidur...ok..sekian
Sunday, March 20, 2011
BulaT iTu BulAn
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Semalam g UTM skudai...kebetulan pada ari semalam (19/03/2010)..kawan saya kate bulan ari ni kedudukannya lebih dekat ngan bumi ( x tau sebb 2-3 ari ni x bace berita )....saya sampai time senja...memang nampak bulan tu lebih bile da malam sikit...die jadik kecik sikit kitorg decide nak g balai cerapan....kat sane view lagi cantik kot...lgpun saya x pernah g sane so diorg bawak la....kebetulan time pergi tu ade org buat bbq...pergh...lapar laks...hehe...igt nak join tp segan la ( padahal x de org ajak join pon..haha)...xkesah la depa tu...yang penting kitorg boley snap2 gambar malam la hasil2 gambar bersama bulan yang bulat tu...focus of the nite is moon....hihi
owh saya sungguh nampak debab time ni...huhu
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Posing len lak..hehe |
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Dengan Aein |
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Wuuuu....creepy x?? |
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View UTM and pekan skudai dr atas |
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Kat Balai Cerapan. |
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Peace skit.. |
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Cik Aein |
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Kak Syikin (akak aein),Aein and me. |
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
FirSt TiMe ShoPing BrG MAke Up anD SkIn CarE
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Hehehe....tibe2 gelak...x duk kemas2 barang2 kat atas meja...pastu ternampak set ni dalam beg organza...baru teringat nak tunjuk-menunjuk kat sini...haha...x de la...sebenarnye ni first time saye dapat berbelanja BESAR tuk barang2 macam ni....x de la banyak sangat kan memandangkan keadaan duit yang dicatu (nak bayar yuran konvo lagi...aihhhh)......niat mula2 nak g ETUDE HOUSE tuk cari BLING-BLING EYE SHADOW sampai2 tgok banyak sangat barang...apa lagi mate menjadi rambang mambang la....saya masuk ETUDE HOUSE dulu (kat City Square JB gak) survey2....nampak bling2 tgok harga berat ati lak....ETUDE time tu diskaun die x meriah gi kat THE FACE SHOP (elok plak berjiran ngan ETUDE)...haaaa...kat sini meriah sikit...kedai and perkerja pon best...bagus perkerja die...walaupun saya nampak mcm org x de duit time tu....die layan baik je...malas nak citer panjang ni la hasil dari chau cin cau kat 2 kedai tu
kat THE FACE SHOP dapat beli WHITE MUD NOSE PACK (warna putih),PINK EYESHADOW,and VITA C MASK SHEET...mask tu x niat nak beli sebab promotion time tu ( mask tu harga seringgit) ape salahnye ambil....oh kat ETUDE beli LIP&EYE remover...bukan ape senang nak tanggal make up nt..hihi...lepas ni nak shopin barang make up lagi la...lepas ni plan nak beli ni
serius nak beli...sebab balik rumah asyik teringat je...haha
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The Face Shop Perfume |
nampak nye kena carik kerja la camni...katidak nak dapat duit mane the way dua-dua ni korean product...patut la semangat cik kimchigimbap nak shopin kat diorg ni ye...hahaha
Monday, March 14, 2011
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Ni kes da x de kerja sangat la ni agak nye....siap post entry 2 kali sehari...haha...biasa la...idop si penanam anggur...memang banyak masa terbuang dari mase terluang...ok...semalam tgok2 2-3 org gurl2 punye blog...rupe-rupe nye blogger pompuan ni ramai yang cantik2 ye (saya ditendang langsung dari list.haha)...huhu terkesima sebentar...cantik sangat diorg2 ape yang paling menarik perhatian saye ialah cara pemakaian shawl diorg....cantekkkkkkkk(puji sekali lagi)...camne ek diorg pakai nampak lawa je...x de yang "slack" pon...rase teringin nak pakai camtu menerjah2 dlam tu la act not always do as desire....saye pernah pakai shawl sebelum ni...adeh...sedih r....rase2 nye klau dok depan cermin tu lame2 pecah...muke jadik cam bibik langsung...mungkin kah faktor bentuk klau muke tu x berape nak boley masuk pertandingan miss world x ley cakap ape laa....last2 pakai tudung biase nt nak try lagi sekali jugak la...mane la taau kot2 menjadik....hihihi
My Wishlist...weyyyuuuu Part 1
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Sebelum tidur ni sempat lagi wat wishlist...hoho...berangan memang best...dapat pulak free je x yah bayar...kiki...siap ade part2 lagi inilah antara benda2 yang tertera di minda :
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Samsung Galaxy S |
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Sony Cybershot TX7 |
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BMW X6 |
Wahaha...alang-alang da berangan kan....ape lagi...yang ni pon masuk list gak...aduhai...ntah bile la dapat pakai kete ni yepp??...myvi pon x tentu mampu beli x name pon berangan tuu free x kesa la...hihi...
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Super Junior KYUHYUN |
Opssss!!!!..dia ni masuk list jugak??...sangat x sedar diri malam2 ni kan...ahaksssssssss....berangan betul!!...x dpt jmpe betul2...dlam mimpi pon jadik la...hahahaha...
Ok la nak masuk tido....nt wat wishlist lagi....salam...
Sunday, March 13, 2011
All ReD tHinGs
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Semalam saya baru balik dari JB (bercuti+kerja?)......fuhhh...penat x terhingga + demam and flu....sangat2 membuatkan badan lemah beroperasi...hoho...tapi penat terubat bila my sis wat steamboat kat rumah...=)....ok sebenarnye kat sini nak cerita pasai satu pengalaman(eceh skema sikit)..hehe...excited sebenarnye la...2 minggu duk rumah sis kat Johor mmang besh la...first seminggu pertama kitorang membuat jualan makanan (skema lagi) kat konvo politeknik ade la untung sis bg upah sikit...ahak ni i like bab upah la bile duk rumah tanpa pekerjaan ni ( pengangur lepas abis blaja) mmang x de income langsung dengan upah yang agak membuatkan hati berbunga-bunga itu saya gunakan sepuas la i x pernah shopin sakan u....zaman blaja kat UTM KL dlu tgok kawan2 je y wat shopin...saya jdik bodyguard y x tertauliah la...ekonomi cukup2 untuk belanja makan saya ajak la my pren kua g jalan2....die kate dlu city square kat JB slalu budak2 saye pon ajak die g sane....sebenarnye g sane nak g ETUDE house and carik cardigan kat biasa la ape y plan slalu x same dengan da g sane inilah hasil pelaburan duit kat CS tu....hihi
Bulu biri2 y diinginkan..hehe |
sebenarnye saya memang da lame usha kasut boot ni....dari time blaja kat UTM KL peluang tu x muncul2 jugak...die men nyorok2 x mau peluang tu klua time kat JB ni....mula2 masuk satu kedai ni...x igt name die...yang igt kat tingkat atas je....ade 2 - 3 pasang boot yang sangat2 mencuri hati....tppppppp sayang nye size da x de...sume plak tu (ntah2 org tu malas nak carik da kot saiz tu)..sbb saye nak warna merah gak tauke kedai tu suggest kasut saye x nak cuz saye nak boot y ade bulu2 kitorg decide nak carik kat kedai lain...punya la abis round so jmpe la...kat kedai ELEVEN ni....the only shop y ade jual boot bulu2+merah....kedai lain sume banyak boot da kenan di hati tgok harga....adehhh...confius balik....patut beli ke x...cuz harga die beza RM 30...rugi kitorg round ag...kut2 la jmpe y len tp murah pencarian boot bulu2 merah x sbb da nak sangat saye beli gak boot ni...wah puas x terhingga....
All red things...=) |
handbeg ni pon dalam wish list gak...merah mak ngah aih...haha...beg ni beli kat kedai first usha boot td...merah jugak...disebabkan spek terdahulu ( saya ni rabun kambing skit) telah dipatahkan oleh beli y baru....merah lagi....x tau saya rase saye makin suke warna merah...hahaha...walau byak pelaburan y diperuntukkan tp saye puat ati....yela first time dpat shopin besar-besaran....=)
P/S : merah ni idea dr Kechik...=)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
FinalLY V.I.P TimE!!!
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I'm kinda excited tonite...Of course, my favourite group finally release their 4th mini-album...althought just's enouf to satisfied me..all fans will agree with me...we have wait quite a long time for them to release an album as whole group...i really kinda crazy rite's will be big bang fever starting expected...their album never upset me...their songs suit me well....go BIGBANG....daeebakkk!!!!!....and are really awesome and really genius...
Monday, February 21, 2011
KoRean Delight
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Due to hunger last nite, i have viewed more than 5 korean dishes recipes on Youtube...Suddenly memories eating korean food while live at KL before came up on my im craving for my favourite korean dishes, tteokbokki...i dont know the right spelling in romanization...but the korean is 떡볶이....well everybody will know this food after watching korean dramas...and that's how i meet tteokbokki....i watched "Partner" drama starring by handsome Lee Dong that drama Dong Wook's role love to eat tteokbokki....and i keep wondering how is it taste...and not long time after that a korean food stall have been opened at Mid Valley Megamall...many thoughts on my mind...wondering will my taste suit with it taste or it turn the opposite way???...hurmmm...suspen...haha...i went there with my friends and after have a really delicious...a bit chewy and spicy enough....well this dishes sometimes spicy and sometimes not...depend with the "chef"...haha...for's better to be spicy and eat while it still hot....and because of that, i become a regular customer at every halal korean stall in KL....i also have tried bibimbap before...who is a rice lover can try this....there's also other korean dishes i have tried....but for me tteokbokki is the craving for now....cant wait to be at KL again...eating tteokbokki with kimchi...ummmm...yum..yum...
tteokbokki info :

Due to hunger last nite, i have viewed more than 5 korean dishes recipes on Youtube...Suddenly memories eating korean food while live at KL before came up on my im craving for my favourite korean dishes, tteokbokki...i dont know the right spelling in romanization...but the korean is 떡볶이....well everybody will know this food after watching korean dramas...and that's how i meet tteokbokki....i watched "Partner" drama starring by handsome Lee Dong that drama Dong Wook's role love to eat tteokbokki....and i keep wondering how is it taste...and not long time after that a korean food stall have been opened at Mid Valley Megamall...many thoughts on my mind...wondering will my taste suit with it taste or it turn the opposite way???...hurmmm...suspen...haha...i went there with my friends and after have a really delicious...a bit chewy and spicy enough....well this dishes sometimes spicy and sometimes not...depend with the "chef"...haha...for's better to be spicy and eat while it still hot....and because of that, i become a regular customer at every halal korean stall in KL....i also have tried bibimbap before...who is a rice lover can try this....there's also other korean dishes i have tried....but for me tteokbokki is the craving for now....cant wait to be at KL again...eating tteokbokki with kimchi...ummmm...yum..yum...
tteokbokki info :
Saturday, February 19, 2011
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Well...arini tulis melayu je la...malas nak pkir....and bukan terer ngat nak tulis dalam english dak...haha...ok saye tgok my "muke buku" a.k.a facebook..yang da mcm idop segan mati x mau tu...haha...why i said like that?? la...bile dilihat kembali...friends ramai....sampai ratus2 y betul2 mengaktipkan diri untuk contact ni berape kerat la sangat....most yang add ni rakan sekelas...2 kelas...3 kelas...satu U...satu sekolah dulu...kadang2 tu...y x pernah kenal pon malas nak approve ni...ok back to story...lepas view fb tgok status kawan2 lame...mcm2 status la ade...ade y positif and negatif...ade yang mengepost link3 i pon view...ade y best....and ade y cam bajet bagus....oppppssss...well ape y i nak citer disini ialah....begitu susah kite nak carik kawan y betul2 sentiasa contact ngan kita ni...urm...mungkin busy...mungkin juga malu....mungkin juga malas layan...and juga ade y melupakan ( i know who person is this).....honestly i miss my campus life...gaduh2...ngumpat berjemaah...hang out....tgok citer jemaah...makan jemaah....jeles jugak tgok kawan2 y post status2 pasal hidup di alam belajar lagi ni...waaa...saye nak sambung belajar.....
Friday, February 4, 2011

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This May i will have my first trip in my life...ticket already booked..well..thinking that it still have about 3 months before the trip day,i still feel relax at home..i dont want to think bout it too much because it will makes me feel time is moving too slow(means im over excited)...but yesterday my partner for the trip call me...asking about our stay just 2 of us going there...we go there by ourselves not with the tour group...of course we have to plan seriously...dont want to waste our times and money my task is to survey a cheap place to stay..after many times survey on the internet finally i found a two places that quite good to stay....the problem now is i dont know which one that i need to choose between both of the place..ah ha....i watched some of video by people that already have been there...and video for other places im getting more confius ( seems want to be at all guesthouse that i watched..) i think it's better to get opinion from my partner too...more easier to make a on i always keep thinking about my trip...feel like it's a long time till May....maybe because i do nothing at home...that's why feel like that...ah ha...
Thursday, January 27, 2011
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Only for this week i have download and watched 3 korean drama siries..well seems not too because i dont know what else to download...i still waiting for running man episode 24..and now all interesting drama that ive been follow still airing...wahhh...i need to wait till all the dramas finish airing...and because of that also...i cant control myself for being to addict with korean...well when recall back...actually ive been like this since in form 2.....for sake of my feeling i try to control it now....dream to go to Korea but afraid im not able to do it can cause so much pain...but this week...i cant control it for awhileeeeeeeee....waaaaaaaaaaaa....i need some mom doesnt really like everytime i talk anything related to korea...well think not my mom only but all my family's ok...i can talk about it with my friend....well for the time being...i think i have to make some plan...hehehe....aja-aja fighting....=)
let enjoy this song first...hehe
Sunday, January 23, 2011
타루 - Kasio [Taru]
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I like this song.The rhythm really comfort me.I feel relax.I like this girl's voice.Veeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyy smooth.Really match the song.I may not understand the song yet.But i will understand korean someday.wish me luck.
*This is a part of "that dream" that makes me think positively to achieve "that dream"..=)
Day to rise Again

Our interest can influence us.Yes.It's happening to me.I have felt down before.Felt the fallen in my life.Because 'that dream',it cause so much pain.Pain that sometimes i cant endure it.But now, 'that dream' makes me rise again.I forgot how much 'that dream' give me happy times.That dream that cure my sad.And now i think it's not wrong to strive for that dream.Achieve or not it doesnt matter now.At least i know that i have tried my best to fight for it.InsyaAllah,there will be a way for me.Not now, maybe later.Now that dream makes me learn to be optimistic...=)
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